Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer 2009

Hi everyone, It is June and the Newkirks are busy, busy, busy!!! Sam will be three next month. We can't believe it!!! We had a conference with her teacher and Sam is advanced in most areas for her age and the teacher call her a joy to have in the class!!! Miss Melanie doesn't want her to move into the next class and frankly we will be really sad for her to leave that room because Sam loves her teachers and so do we. Sam gets more and more independent everyday and wants to do things herself. We are getting closer on the potty training, Sam has been doing it on her own terms like she does everything else. Jake is nine months old and getting so big!!! Can't believe he will be a year in September....where does the time go?? He is rolling everywhere, not sure if he will crawl as he gets places pretty fast by rolling there. He may just go straight to walking!!! Jake cut his first two bottom teeth in May and loves to smile and show them off. We had our first family of four vacation to San Diego in May and got to see our family and friends. We had a blast, we went to the zoo, Legoland, and the beach. We are looking forward to the rest of the summer!!!!
Scott, Alison, Samantha, & Jake